How To Exploit The Four Pillars of Modern Leverage To Get Everything You Want In 2025.
Free, permissionless, and accessible to anyone with an internet connection.
I never understood the power of leverage.
This kept my growth limited. I’d always feel like I was ‘working harder’ but never actually achieving anything. My days would grow longer. 8 hours. 10. 12. Sometimes 14 hours. I was hustling and grinding.
I was working so hard. And getting so little reward for it.
Let’s start with a simple definition of Leverage:
Leverage is getting more output for every unit of input.
Here are four leverage pillars to exploit in 2025:
1/ Network Leverage
I grew up watching Oprah.
No judgment, please. I was only 12 years old.
I would tune into everything she was on.
This is my definition of Network Leverage:
The quantity of people that know or are connected to the asset.
I was part of her Network leverage.
You are part of someone else’s network. We all are. Unless you are a hermit living in complete solitude in the forest, we’ve got a network we are connected with.
Just reading this article means you’ve joined my network.
Types of Network Leverage:
Personal Brand.
Historial Example: TV Show Hosts and movie stars.
But now everyone’s got the opportunity to have their own:
Radio (Podcasts).
TV show (YouTube).
Newspaper (Substack).
I’ve got:
84,000+ Medium followers
1,600+ Substack Subscribers
5,500+ Kit Subscribers
And a growing YouTube and podcast channel.
With a click of a button, I can broadcast my message to the entire world. I can be discovered by anyone with an internet connection.
The best part? It’s completely free. And low cost.
In the age of the internet and social media, building an audience is the most accessible and powerful leverage you can build.
It’s just not who you know. It’s about how many people know you.
2/ Proximity Leverage
I’m a big fan of Lorde (the musician, not the deity).
Every time she’s had a concert in Melbourne, I’ve gone to sing and dance with friends.
Any live event she hosts? I buy.
Any piece of merchandise? I buy.
I buy to get closer to her.
Not in a creep-stalker way.
It’s a feeling of support that I use my money to buy.
Sometimes, I’m physically closer to her at her concerts.
Other times, I’m mentally closer to her when I wear her concert t-shirt.
This is my definition of Proximity Leverage:
The metaphorical or physical distance between a buyer to an asset.
Types of Proximity Leverage:
I make $16-18k per month, offering:
Done-For-You ghostwriting for 8-9 figure entrepreneurs.
Done-With-You coaching for solopreneurs.
Do-It-Yourself digital products.
You can take high-value skill such as writing, sales, and marketing and offer them in 3 different levels of proximity.
How to exploit this leverage:
Build network leverage via an audience.
Create tiered offers that allow them to get close to you.
Start with 1:1 coaching. And then move to a community offer.
Historial Example: Celebrities, musicians, and artists.
Most musicians don’t make much money from their songs. Streaming rights and royalties are pennies.
Where do they make their money?
Answer: concerts, digital products, and merchandise.
People don’t buy products. They buy access to you.
3/ Utilization Leverage
I host a community call every week.
It’s a live teaching or implementation support for my 1:1 clients and broader community.
The beauty of this type of virtual call?
Infinite utilization.
Whether 1 or 100 (or even 1,000) people join, it doesn’t increase in costs.
Every additional unit beyond the fixed cost (Zoom, Internet, etc) doesn’t add to my overhead.
This allows me to:
Sell day passes to the calls.
Sell the recording to the calls at a later date.
Every piece of content can be further utilised for whatever purpose I want.
This wouldn’t have been possible without the internet.
At my age, my parents would have had to hire a venue, get rough numbers, pay in advance, and the only people that could attend would be whoever was living in their neighbourhood.
This is my definition of Utilization Leverage:
The capacity, usage or occupancy of an asset.
Types of Utilization Leverage:
I’ve made $7k repurposing my content into digital products.
Here’s proof:
I didn’t make anything new to make this money.
Simply, taking one form of content. And reselling it.
An article became a workshop outline.
A collection of Medium articles became an e-book.
Historial Example: Uber, and Airbnb.
But with Uber and Airbnb, there is a hard limit to physical assets.
There are only so many cars, houses, and apartments you can utilize.
We now live in a digital world. There is no physical limit to our digital products or services.
How to exploit this leverage:
All your best ideas, content, and social media posts into digital products for reselling.
Make once. Sell forever.
4/ Arbitrage Leverage
I’m officially moving to Southeast Asia.
I’m incorporating a business here. I’m applying for a long-term visa. And working out where I’ll base myself for 2-3 months of the year.
The best part?
I get paid in USD but can live in a lower-cost environment in Vietnam, Thailand, or Indonesia.
I can purchase memberships to co-working spaces and gyms in low-cost environments (e.g., Vietnam) but consume them in higher-cost environments (e.g., Singapore).
I can hire labor in countries like the Philippines and resell the value created to a client worldwide (that’s how your 9-5 job works, too, by the way).
The definition of Arbitrage Leverage:
The buying and selling of an asset across two different markets. You profit from the difference made between buying or selling the same asset.
Types of Arbitrage Leverage:
Historial Example: Banks & Financial Institutions.
The entire financial system is made up of Arbitrage. This form has made banks and investors fabulously wealthy. They could access multiple markets the average human being could not.
But now, everyone can access arbitrage leverage.
Leverage location, information or service, not hours, for exponential growth.
Why are they Modern Leverage?
Anyone reading this article can exploit them.
Previously, these forms of leverage were not available.
You had to be rich, famous, and well-connected to access them.
In modern times, with technological advances, these types of leverage are available to the average human being, but most people don’t even know about them.
These forms of Modern Leverage are:
Accessible to anyone with an internet connection.
Free or low cost to acquire.
Zero downside.
You can’t get negative followers.
You can’t get negative access.
You can’t get negative utilization.
You can’t get negative arbitrage.
You’ve got unlimited upside. But limited downside.
That’s the best form of leverage you can build.
We are living in an age of infinite leverage, but so few people are doing anything with this knowledge.
The world runs on leverage. Exploit it or be exploited by it.
I’ve exploited these four pillars of leverage.
Sometimes intentionally.
But most of the time it’s been by accident.
Leverage will get you everything you want. And more.
It’s given me a life that I absolutely love.
Sequencing is important.
Network leverage begets Proximity.
Proximity leverage gives you Utilization leverage.
And when fully leveraged, you can have Information, Service, and Geographical leverage.
Build leverage, and then you can live however you want.
Want to build Modern Leverage in 2025? Join my Inner-Circle Community.
Thanks for being the world for us, I really like all your contents, I read all your emails.
Love you man.
Super love from India
This is a brilliant, powerful summary. So inspiring.