6–12 Months of “F*ck it. Let’s do it” Is the Golden Ticket to Your One-Person Business Dreams.
After 12 months of this ‘f*ck it, let’s do it’ mentality, my life is completely different.
I used to be terrified of taking any risks.
Growing up, I craved certainty.
I hated any disruption to my routine. Wanted to work a 9–5 job for the rest of my life. I would resist any family trips overseas. My ex-girlfriend broke up with me because I didn’t want to explore the world.
But it was only when this dream became my reality that I started to see the cracks.
I became miserable in my 9–5 job. I disliked the people I worked with. I saw the future of working till I’m 65 and enjoying two-week breaks yearly. Retired with arthritis and was then told I could enjoy life afterward.
Here’s what I did next.
The mindset that changed my life
100% of all my business problems are mindset problems.
If information were the only problem, I’d be a multi-millionaire with a six-pack in a loving romantic relationship.
I don’t have any of those things.
That’s why I invest in cultivating a ‘f*ck it, let’s do it’ mindset.
It’s changed my life.
Deciding to write online despite being a bad writer?
F*ck it, let’s do it.
Moving to Southeast Asia to scale my new marketing agency?
F*ck it, let’s do it.
Quitting my 9–5 job to start my own biz with no prior experience?
F*ck it, let’s do it.
I’ve broken limiting beliefs.
Learned to manage my emotions.
Reprogrammed my childhood responses.
I’ve let go of my need to control everything that happens.
I’ve developed my ability to respond to what happens productively.
As a result, my life is rich with experiences and deepened with relationships, and I’ve gained valuable knowledge.
Embrace a ‘f*ck it, let’s do it’ mindset and watch your life evolve.
My friend recently said to me,
“I’ll be a 9–5 worker my whole life.”
I couldn’t believe it. She’s only 28. Why? She craves certainty.
Even though she comes from an upper-middle-class background with parents who paid for her education and mortgage, she’s been programmed since childhood to optimize for safety and security.
This kills her growth and development.
While making good money for her age, she’s hit the upper-income limit. Every increment will mean additional responsibilities and time commitment. She’s already chained by golden handcuffs.
If she can’t take risks now (while young, childless, and single), when will she?
The need for certainty kills more business dreams than a lack of talent ever will. Talent matters. But 90% of people give up well before talent ever becomes a factor.
People trap themselves. The most secure prisons are the ones we create.
If she were happy, I wouldn’t have an issue.
But she regularly complains about how unhappy she is.
She suffers from depression and anxiety. She thinks she needs a new job or a holiday to feel better. But this is doing nothing more than rearranging the chairs on the Titanic hoping it won’t sink.
If you want to:
Start a biz.
Live overseas.
Pursue a dream hobby.
Say ‘f*ck it, let’s do it.’
You’ll either get what you want or a great story.
Either way, you win.
I have a friend who wants to start a business, but
He brings up new business ideas.
He listens to all the entrepreneurship podcasts, reads all the books, and says all the right words. He’s done this for years, but he's stuck in tutorial hell and has never actually started a business.
Why? Starting means a risk of failure.
I’ve been there myself. I did this for two years before starting my business. The first year of business felt so hard I wanted to quit every day. But taking action for 12 months taught me more than an MBA.
Every entrepreneur I speak to says the first year is always the hardest.
Overwhelm. Anxiety. You’re failing every day.
You’re constantly relearning and unlearning. But without the ‘f*ck it, let’s do it’ mentality, you’ll never leave your comfort zone of books, podcasts and tutorials.
There are only two things you need to do in business:
Generate traffic.
Make offers.
That’s it.
Everything else is mental masturbation.
You don’t need a business name, logo, website, or cards.
You do need a bank account and a way to get money.
Get eyeballs or make money. Or do both.
The algorithm for success
I’m not a risk-taking cowboy.
But my superpower is understanding how to take calculated risks, with the ability to mitigate the downsides.
Here’s the formula
Take lots of small risks in a controlled experiment frequently.
Use the data and feedback to iterate on your approach.
Find a community and coach to support you.
Become a mad scientist with your life.
Before deciding to become a full-time digital nomad traveling around Southeast Asia, I took smaller trips of 8 weeks last year to Asia and Europe.
I wanted to see if I liked the lifestyle and how I would react to my new environment.
I made a ton of mistakes.
But the experiment helped me validate that I liked the lifestyle. I won’t lie. It’s painful. After my Asia trip in early 2023, I realized that my business wasn’t going to work with being a digital nomad.
I had to take 12 months to pivot into a new business model and offer.
But instead of thinking about if I liked it, I just said, ‘f*ck it, let’s do it,’ and found out myself. Since then, I’ve used this mindset to make changes to other aspects of my life. Exercise. Diet. Mindfulness.
After 12 months of this ‘f*ck it, let’s do it’…
My life is completely different.
I’ve moved to Southeast Asia to become a digital nomad.
I’m making $10k+ per month from my one-person biz.
Grew from 6,000 to 67,000 Medium followers.
Grew from 0 to 3,800 email list subscribers.
Sold my first one-person business.
Connected with awesome people.
What can you say ‘f*ck it, let’s do it’ to today?
👉 I’ve previously sold a one-person business and I’m in the process of scaling another one to $20k per month. If you want my one-person business growth system, I’ve created a FREE email course for you to get started.
Being an entrepreneur isn’t for everyone, and that’s totally ok. Building your own business or being an employee both have their pros and cons. It’s about finding fulfillment in your life based on your values and priorities, and being willing to do something about your complaints.
It’s highly valuable as an entrepreneur to find the right blend of the “F* it, let’s do it” mindset and making calculated risks. So well done, Michael, as I’m discovering that delicate balance for myself.
Hell yah and congrats on your successes and achievements! Appreciate you sharing your experiences and perspective with us, too.
I’m saying: F it, I am engaging more and rediscovering the fun in it, too!
I got burned out with social media and withdrew from it for a while. So I’m stepping back into the social media arena, head held high and enjoying it again on my own terms. 😁
I believe people crave “certainty” because deep down they fear the lack of control… they think they are safe and in control in a 9-5 job and yet even that can be taken away at any point… or maybe worst, jeopardise your health to a point that you can no longer do it. Let’s get comfortable with discomfort and uncertainty as we have little control :) the only certainty is we are capable of much more than we think. Love the “f-ck it let’s do it” approach, I’ve been feeling into all the things that scare me over the last three years: driving up to a mountain range in the Pyrenees, doing improv on stage, doing standup comedy, reading my poems in public, quitting my well paid job, living without a fixed rental contract… so many risks and honestly my old self is hating me for it whilst my future self is rooting. Every experience carries its lessons…