Being an entrepreneur isn’t for everyone, and that’s totally ok. Building your own business or being an employee both have their pros and cons. It’s about finding fulfillment in your life based on your values and priorities, and being willing to do something about your complaints.

It’s highly valuable as an entrepreneur to find the right blend of the “F* it, let’s do it” mindset and making calculated risks. So well done, Michael, as I’m discovering that delicate balance for myself.

Hell yah and congrats on your successes and achievements! Appreciate you sharing your experiences and perspective with us, too.

I’m saying: F it, I am engaging more and rediscovering the fun in it, too!

I got burned out with social media and withdrew from it for a while. So I’m stepping back into the social media arena, head held high and enjoying it again on my own terms. 😁

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I believe people crave “certainty” because deep down they fear the lack of control… they think they are safe and in control in a 9-5 job and yet even that can be taken away at any point… or maybe worst, jeopardise your health to a point that you can no longer do it. Let’s get comfortable with discomfort and uncertainty as we have little control :) the only certainty is we are capable of much more than we think. Love the “f-ck it let’s do it” approach, I’ve been feeling into all the things that scare me over the last three years: driving up to a mountain range in the Pyrenees, doing improv on stage, doing standup comedy, reading my poems in public, quitting my well paid job, living without a fixed rental contract… so many risks and honestly my old self is hating me for it whilst my future self is rooting. Every experience carries its lessons…

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6-12 months are nothing for the benefit you can get from it :)

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That’s the spirit! 💪🏼

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From my standpoint, Michael, EVERYTHING is founded in mindset.

- self esteem

- business development

- relationships

- risk management

- decision making

"F*ck it. Let's do it," is stepping out of the comfort zone taking us from a static mindset to a growth mindset.

The discomfort zone full of mistakes is where we learn.

The best first step is self-forgiveness. I learned that by making a lot of mistakes.

Bravo to you, Michael, for failing forward 💯

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I am 15 years into this journey to grow and then eventually sell this business. I can look back on the points where the business stagnated and this was typically because I got indecisive or anxious.

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So simple yet so profound!!!

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Becoming the mad scientist of your life is a good angle whether or not you become an entrepreneur. Just knowing you can choose and change is freedom.

Congratulations on your bets on yourself paying off Michael!

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Amazing journey. F*ck it mentality always wins ;)

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Absolutely agree! Real success in life often requires stepping out of our comfort zones and taking risks. When we take those leaps, we might find exactly what we're looking for, or we might gain incredible experiences and stories along the way. Either way, we come out the better for it. It's either we win or we win. That's the mindset.

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What a great example of how a mindset shift can turn fear into action. Huge congrats on your accomplishments! And a separate thanks for the nudge in the direction of challenging the status quo and leaning into the discomfort of change :)

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