It's all in the not-stopping muscle. Through hell or high water, you can build something great if you just don't stop.

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Quick question... are you still doing work on Medium? ✍

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You are an inspiration for upcoming writers..

Like you said, you share your opinions the way it is not for anyone to like you

And I think that's how we should be.

Create your content believing there is one person that content is for..

You aren't creating content for everyone

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I love your honesty about yourself and appreciate these wonderful tips. Congratulations on your success!

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Love your breakdown and tips.

Becoming polarizing and not sugar-coating your ideas and thinking is a pretty good formula to stand out in the writing world where most are afraid to offend others.

Keep it up!

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You're definitely an inspiration!

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wow, great breakdown! 🤩

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Great stuff Michael! Subscribed.

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Thanks for the help! I’m a fiction author. I write a lot of sci-fi and fantasy. Where can I learn marketing and business skills for my writing?

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Marketing and sales for fiction aren't too different from nonfiction, but if I were you, I'd find someone successful in sci-fi/fantasy and learn how they specifically leveraged their stories. There are certain tactice, like character and world fandoms, community building, and even pitching to TV/movies that are similar but different enough to want to seek specific help from successful fiction marketers. Just my 2 cents, and as someone who has never marketed fiction :P

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I appreciate the help. Thank you so much!

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Great read!

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